January 28, 2012

2.82 Communication

2.82 Describe how responses can be controlled by nervous or by hormonal communications and understand the difference between the two systems.

There are two ways in which responses are controlled in the body: the first is by using nerves. The diagram below shows a motor nerve cell. The cell body would be embed into the spine and the Synaptic knob at the opposing end would be embedded into the effecter (usually a muscle). Electrical/nerve impulses travel down the axon from the cell body; in mammals the axon is surrounded by a second kind of cell called the Schwann cell and these form what is called a Myelin sheath to increase the speed of nerve conduction.

The second way of linking a receptor to an effector is known as the Endocrine system. This involves an endocrine gland which produces Hormones (Proteins or Steroids). The Hormone then enters the blood stream and travels through the blood to the target tissue/organ where it will have an effect. Because of this it is possible for hormones to have multiple targets and effects.

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