November 4, 2011

2.70 Nephron Structure

2.70 describe the structure of a nephron, to include Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus convoluted tubules, loop of Henlé and collecting duct.

Nephron = the functioning unit of the kidney, the part that does the filtration and the controlling of the composition of blood

The image below shows the structure of the kidney and the position of the nephrons, NB: There are millions of nephrons in each kidney for simplicity, only one has been drawn in the diagram

The image below outlines all the relevant sections of the nephron, and just below that I have briefly explained what they are/do.

Glomerulus – The knot of blood vessels where the blood is filtered from
Bowman’s Capsule – the “Dead End” to the Nephron, Ultrafiltraion happens here [see 2.71]
Proximal Convoluted tubule – The first twisted section
Loop of Henlé - The Nephron dips into the Medulla
Distal Convoluted tubule – The second twisted section, back in the Cortex
Collecting duct – The final tube where the urine travels to the Pelvic region.

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